Speed dating jamaica

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Finding someone can be horrifically painful. But board games are always awesome. So what if you combined board games and searching for a partner? Picture this: You sit down for a night of games. A gaming concierge walks you through several games over the course of the night. You play classics and have fun playing brand new games you've never heard of, playing each with a different group of people, getting a chance to meet some other fun singles. All while in a really cool brewery with plenty of delicious adult beverages. At the end of the night, you give your gaming concierge a list of the folks you met that you'd like to date and a list of those you met that you'd like to just hang out with as friends. If any two people put down the same name as each other in either column, then your gaming concierge will make sure you get each other's e-mail address and you can coordinate a time to hang out. Best case scenario: You find true love, discover some awesome board games, and make some new friends. Bad case scenario: You accomplish only one of those three things, which is still pretty great. Worst case scenario: There will be alcohol. Before you decide to buy tickets, a few basics we should cover: 1 This is for single people ages 31-45. We also have an event for ages 21-35 the week before, and you can grab a ticket for that one here: 2 Refunds are only available to those who cancel with more than 24 hours' notice exceptions will be made for emergency situations on a case-by-case basis. After that, we're blowing the money from your ticket sale on something awesome and nonrefundable. This is partly because we love living a life of extravagance on someone else's dime, but also because it's not fair to everyone else if the attendance is lower than they thought it would be because a handful of people flaked at the 11th hour. We think this is very unlikely, but wanted to include a note about it in case that possibility arose. But the goal is for all of them to be fun, light, easy-to-learn games, and including games from both the something-you-have-played-before category and the something-you-haven't-played-before category. We are strongly considering doing more of these, so shoot us an e-mail at host playboardgameempire.

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